Closing in on understanding R closures

A common and useful pattern I use in R programming is currying to create closures for later computation. This pattern is the main abstraction of my geex package, for example. At NoviSci we use closures all the time in data pipelines. I think of a closure as a function f that returns another function g, where the returned g function (hopefully) has the data necessary to do its computation:

f <- function(oargs){
   odata <- do_stuff_with(oargs)
   function(iargs){ do_stuff_with(iargs, odata) }

g <- f(...)
# use g later on

This blog post addresses, in part, the “hopefully” in the last sentence. There are environment scoping details to consider to when creating a closure. For one, when calling g(...) the necessary data needs to be in scope. However, depending on the environments enclosed with g, the closure can also have more data than is necessary. This can lead to unnecessary memory bloat, which can have dramatic performance costs.

I’ve been programming and developing in R for over ten years now, and I still find myself tripping up over R environments and scoping rules, especially when it comes to closures. Below I show a few ways to handle closure creation and look at their performance in terms of the following:

  1. size of closure after creation
  2. size of closure after being called for the first time
  3. size of closure when written to disk as an RDS
  • 1-3 after adding more objects to the Global environment
  • 1 & 3 after tidying the Global environment as well as whether the closures still work

My toy case is a function that takes a model object and simply returns its formula. Toying with a formula adds complexity as formula objects include a environment. From the docs:

A formula object has an associated environment, and this environment (rather than the parent environment) is used by model.frame to evaluate variables that are not found in the supplied data argument. Formulas created with the ~ operator use the environment in which they were created. Formulas created with as.formula will use the env argument for their environment.

However, in many cases, we don’t care about the attached environment, we care about the symbolic formula expression. The examples below demonstrate that we often need to think carefully when a closure especially when we want to save a closure to disk for sharing the file and reusing in different sessions.


# Create a couple of model objects to have in GlobalEnv
m1 <- glm(Sepal.Width ~ 1, data = iris)
m2 <- glm(Sepal.Length ~ 1, data = iris)

The first option f0 implements perhaps the most straightforward approach: do all the work in the “inner” (call it g0) function. As we’ll see, this is unsatisfactory, as if the model passed to f0 is removed the g0 function will no longer work.

f0 <- function(model){

Another approach moves the extraction of the formula from the model into the enclosing environment. This works, but as we’ll see g0 will carry along model in its environments, which for my purposes is unnecessary.

f1 <- function(model){
  fm <- formula(model)

The f2 option removes model when f2 exits.

f2 <- function(model){
  fm <- formula(model)
  on.exit({ rm(model)} )

The f3 and f4 are me just seeing how the update function does or doesn’t affect environments:

f3 <- function(model){
  fm <- update( . ~ ., formula(model))

f4 <- function(model){
  fm <- update( . ~ ., formula(model))
  on.exit({ rm(model)})

I consider f6 and f7 poor practice: casting the formula to character then recasting. The f5 function I consider OK: pulling out what I need (the expression) and throwing away the rest.

f5 <- function(model){
  fm <- rlang::expr(!! formula(model))
  on.exit({ rm(model)})

f6 <- function(model){
  fm <- rlang::expr_text(formula(model))

f7 <- function(model){
  fm <- rlang::expr_text(formula(model))
  on.exit({ rm(model)})

I got the idea for f8, wherein the environment for g is explicitly set, from this stackoverflow post.

f8 <- function(model){
  fm <- formula(model)
  f <- function(){
  environment(f) <- list2env(list(fm = fm), parent = globalenv())

fs <- list(f0 = f0, f1 = f1, f2 = f2, f3 = f3, f4 = f4,
           f5 = f5, f6 = f6, f7 = f7, f8 = f8)

Let’s look at memory characteristics of each function and resulting closure:

result1 <- 
  f = names(fs),
  # Size of function
  fsize = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x)),
  # Size of closure
  csize = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1))),
  # what happens if called again?
  csize2 = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1))),
  # Size of result information
  rsize = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1)())),
  # Cost of information
  loss = rsize/csize,
  # Size on disk
  dsize = map_dbl(
    .x = fs,
    .f = ~ {
      tmp <- tempfile()
      saveRDS(.x(m1), file = tmp)

And what happens after adding more objects to the Global environment:

m3 <- glm(mpg ~ 1, data = mtcars)
m4 <- glm(weight ~ 1, data = ChickWeight)

result2 <- 
  f = names(fs),
  # Size of function
  fsize_2 = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x)),
  # Size of storage
  csize_2 = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1))),
  # size increases when called again!
  csize2_2 = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1))),
  # Size of result information
  rsize_2 = map_dbl(fs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x(m1)())),
  # Cost of information
  loss_ = rsize_2/csize_2,
  # Size on disk
  dsize_2 = map_dbl(
    .x = fs,
    .f = ~ {
      tmp <- tempfile()
      saveRDS(.x(m1), file = tmp)

Now what happens if we remove the model objects and try to evaluate the closure created by each f on m1:

gs <- map(
  .x = fs,
  .f = ~ .x(m1)

rm(m1, m2, m3, m4)

result3 <- 
  f = names(gs),
  # Does it even work?
  error = map_lgl(gs, ~ is.null(safely(.x)()$result)),
  # Size of storage
  csize_3 = map_dbl(gs, ~ pryr::object_size(.x)),
  # Size on disk
  dsize_3 = map_dbl(
    .x = gs,
    .f = ~ {
      tmp <- tempfile()
      saveRDS(.x, file = tmp)

Now let’s look at the results:

f fsize csize csize2 rsize loss dsize fsize_2 csize_2 csize2_2 rsize_2 loss_ dsize_2 error csize_3 dsize_3
f0 9576 8128 9408 672 0.08 1933 11408 9408 9408 672 0.07 1909 TRUE 12976 1262
f1 10576 57944 58592 672 0.01 5390 12600 58592 58592 672 0.01 5390 FALSE 59096 5411
f2 13232 9680 10408 672 0.07 1230 15408 10408 10408 672 0.06 1230 FALSE 10408 1230
f3 15248 62168 62816 50368 0.81 6071 18264 62816 62816 50368 0.80 6071 FALSE 63320 6090
f4 16976 12920 13648 840 0.07 1753 20160 13648 13648 840 0.06 1753 FALSE 13648 1753
f5 20832 16552 17832 672 0.04 2398 24384 17832 17832 672 0.04 2398 FALSE 17832 2398
f6 18824 65528 66728 50544 0.77 6739 22208 66728 66728 50544 0.76 6739 FALSE 67232 6756
f7 20552 16112 17392 1016 0.06 2372 23992 17392 17392 1016 0.06 2372 FALSE 17392 2372
f8 18384 14816 14816 672 0.05 2008 22656 14816 14816 672 0.05 2008 FALSE 14816 2008


  • It’s surprising (to me) how much variation there is in (memory) performance in these options.
  • f0 is out as a candidate since it is not guaranteed to work when retrieved from disk.
  • My choice would be f2 or f8 which kind of converse of each other. f2 states what information to throw out; f8 states what information to keep.
  • I have not figured out what the size of all closures except g8 increases after calling it for the first time. I’ve seen the opposite too. At work, I had a closure that reduced over 10x in size just by calling it once. I spent hours trying to figure out why.
  • It can be useful to keep the extra information around for debugging. A simple way to do this is to make clean up in f2 optional like:
f2_ <- function(model, cleanup = TRUE){
  fm <- formula(model)
  if (cleanup){ on.exit({ rm(model) }) }
  function() { fm }

Another option is cleaning up the environment by name.

f2__ <- function(model){
  inputs <- names(as.list([-1])
  fm <- formula(model)
  on.exit({ rm(list = ls()[ls() %in% inputs]) })
  function(){ fm }